Surgical Technology Tutor

Wednesday, August 29, 2018



QUESTION NUMBER 1 . ANSWER IS :    a) sensory 



QUESTION NUMBER 4 . ANSWER IS:    e) a and b only

QUESTION NUMBER 5 . ANSWER IS:   a) muscle is in constant state of full contraction


QUESTION NUMBER 7 . ANSWER IS:   c)  nodes of ronvier

QUESTION NUMBER 8 . ANSWER IS : a) synaptic vessicle

QUESTION NUMBER 9 . ANSWER IS:  d) all of the above

QUESTION NUMBER 10 . ANSWER IS:    d)  all of the above

Patient presents skull fractures requires surgical treatment for depressed or compound fracture.
Intracranial hemorrhage are caused by ruptured aneurysm or trauma called cerebral vascular accident.


Match  neurosurgical procedures with the correct description.

1. What medications are commonly used for neurosurgery :

a) 20% mannitol, bacitracin, rocephin
b) solucortex, decadron, bactrim
c) topical thrombin, lidocaine, epinephrine
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

2. What is the common guideline for emergency craniotmies:

a) place all positioning equipment on prep stand, norelco razor, KY, comb
b) check the electric OR table or stryker table
c) arrange all x rays, CT scans, MRI's, in the room
d) have foley catheter with urimeter, TED hose, PAS stockinett
e) all of the above

3. During aneurysm clipping what is the method followed :

 a) document company name, lot number on the implantable device list in         the OR chart
b) save slips to re order
c) anesthesiologist may insert lumbar drain after the patient is asleep
d) all of the above

4. What are the shunt supplies required in the OR :  

a)  codman, external drainage kit, Ommaya reservoir and huber needle
b) Denver shunts low profile unitized sizes 30,50,91 cm in low, standard,           and high flow
c) Codman H & H external drainage system, Becker external drainage and        pole clamp
d) all of the above
e) a and b only

5. What is CUSA :

a) Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator
b)  Straight and curved handpieces, straight and curved extenders
c)  CUSA disposables tubing and supplies
d)  all of the above
e) none of the above

6. During burr holes what is the method of controlling the bleeding  : 

a)  bone wax

b)  avitene
c)  surgicel
d)  all of the above

7. Which of the following is a basic instruments set up for craniotomy  :

a)  craniotome, perforator, wire passer drill bits, straight hemostats,                   penfield #4, aufranc elevators, fine bipolar forceps, bovie, penfield #1,           blunt hook 
b)  raney clips and applier, needle holders, 4 hemostats,straight mayo               scissorss, metz scissors, towel clips, suction tips, army navy,                         weitlanders, rongeur, curettes
c)  #3 knife handles, 10 blades, 15 blades, med heavy tooth forceps, adson       forceps, frazier suction tips, pituitary rongeur
d)  all of the above


8.  Which of the following is a basic back table set up for craniotomy  :

a) petri dish soaked gelfoam, epstein curettes 0,3-0, aufranc elevator,    blunt hook, shovel, penfield #4, bipolar forceps, med tooth forceps, micro- scissors
b)  #10 blade, #11 blade, #15 blade, syringe with adrenalin, needle holders,         metz, straight mayo scissor, 4 hemostats, I kocker, 4 ring forceps, 6               small towel clips, bovie
c) scoville curette, weitlanders, cerebellum, army navy, curette, pliers,              markham meyerding, kerrisons, leksells, pituitary rongeurs, suction tips
d) large basin, small basin, basin with patties, pitcher, pitcher with irrigation
e) all of the above

9. Why lumbar puncture is performed at the level of third and fourth lumbar vertebrae:  
a) spinal fluid is not found below this point
b) easy to puncture
c) spinal cord ends above the first lumbar vertebrae
d) all of the above

10.  Spinal cord is contained in the canal its length is :
a) 16 to 18 inches
b) 20 to 21 inches
c) 10 to 12 inches
d) none of the above

Have fun with this Quiz EIGHTEEN.
Answers will be posted on my next blog.