QUESTION NUMBER 1 a. ANSWER IS: Cerebral angiography
QUESTION NUMBER 1 c. ANSWER IS: Pneumoencephalography
QUESTION NUMBER 1 d. ANSWER IS: Lumbar puncture
QUESTION NUMBER 1 e. ANSWER IS: Ventriculography
QUESTION NUMBER 1 f. ANSWER IS: Electroencephalography
QUESTION NUMBER 1 g. ANSWER IS: Echoencephalography
QUESTION NUMBER 1 h. ANSWER IS: Digitalized angiography
QUESTION NUMBER 1 i. ANSWER IS: Computerized axial tomography
Examples of mechanical methods of hemostasis used during neurosurgery:
1. Scalp clips, 2. Gauge sponges, 3. Hemostatic clips, 4. Compressed rayon cotton sponges (cottonoids), 5. Monopolar and Bipolar electrocoagulation, 6. Bone wax
Write which option is correct e.g This is Neurosurgery quiz three / four.
Correct answer is 'four'.
During the Craniotomy procedure:
1. Mayfield Headrest pins are placed before / after the prep.
2. #3 Knife handles with #10 / #7 knife handles with #11 scalpel blades are used to make the incision for the burr holes.
3. Burr hole are made with craniotome / stryker saw and burrholes drill bit / 5093 saw blade.
4. Bone wax is used on a freer / cobb elevator to control bleeding.
5. Burr holes are enlarged with Rongeur / Scalpel / knife / Burr hole enlarger / Kerrison.
6. Periosteum is stripped from the bone with a Periosteal knife / Periosteal elevator / Scalpel / Knife.
7. After exposing, brain surface is protected with Moist sponge / Bone wax / Moist Cottonoid strips / Dry gauge.
8. #Three Fraiziers / Yankauer suction tips are used to suction the blood from the site.
9. Copious amount of Lactated ringers / Normal saline solutions are used to irrigate the site.
10. Operating Microscopes / Surgical Loupes are used for all Craniotomy.
11. Always Bovie / Bipolar units are used to cauterize the galea,periostrum, surface of the dura, and in the brain.
12. Mayfield / Sugita / Bean bag is always used to securely position the skull during the surgery.
13. Drills and Perforators used for the drilling are powered by Nitrogen / Oxygen / Electricity.
14. Mayfield overhead instrument table / Double Mayo stands are used for all craniotomy.
15. Gelfoam / Seprafilm is soaked in topical Thrombin always used for hemostasis on the brain.
16. Calcium chloride / Mannitol a diuretic, may be given to prevent brain swelling, increased intracranial pressure.
17. Hyperthermia / Hypothermia units are always used for the surgery.
18. # 4 Penfield / Hagar dissector is used for blunt dissection.
19. Silk / Chromic suture is used to close the dura.
20. 3-O Nylon / Vicryl is used to suture any drains to the scalp.
Have fun with this Quiz Four.
Answers will be posted on my next blog.
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